Candai Bullard


Candai Bullard is a third-generation self-taught Artist, from Oakland, California, by way of Los Angeles. The journey as an artist began at a young age, helping her grandmother complete the art-by-graphs, inside crossword, puzzle books. Her hobbies include fashion design and plant art.

Through her art journey, Candai strives to make a compelling statement using semi-precious stones, glass beads, and sequins.  Each tiny bead is sewn by hand, using bold colors and vibrant hues.  The idea of each piece is to stand beautifully on its own; a gemstone among the most moving artwork of our industry.  The inspiration comes and is a reminder of the African Diaspora’s rich tapestry, pride, struggle, opulence, and innovative contributions.

Each painting consists of unrefined linen, free-hand drawn images, acrylic medium and finished with precious stones, glass beads, and sequins.

Personal Influences

Estella Bullard, Grandmother – Self-taught Artist using Crayola as the medium, which resulted in her images, emulating fine oil paintings

Conrad Bullard, FatherCreative Producer – Graduate of UCLA Film and Arts.

Rosie Arrington, Mother – Cosmetologist and Award-winning Gourd Artist.

Howard Bullard, Uncle – Renowned Painter and Graphic Artist, known for his personalized works for some of the most popular, entertainers and influencers of the 21st Century.

Mildred Howard, Grade School Teacher, and renowned artist of the Bay Area known for her sculptures and multimedia.